Explaining Instinct

Creation Evidence

Every reputable scientist knows that Lamarck’s theory of inherited characteristics was repudiated long ago. How Did the Giraffe Grow a Long Neck? He had conjectured that acquired characteristics were passed on to the offspring. Thus, to explain how a giraffe got a long neck, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829)  theorized that, as leaves were eaten from the …

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What is Science?

Creation Evidence

The title asks a fundamental question, doesn’t it? What exactly is science? After all, many evolutionists claim there are no true scientists who are creationists. Are There Any Real Creation Scientists? This statement ignores such pioneering giants as Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Joseph Lister, James Maxwell, Louis Pasteur, Michael Faraday, Samuel F.B. Morse, Johannes Kepler, …

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