According to evolution, man has evolved from ape-like creatures to the present day intelligent hominid. His language changed from grunts to complex communication. His way of provision went from hunters and gatherers to farmers. He started as cavemen and evolved into city dwellers. Does archeology support this view? Do We See Proof for Ancient Intelligence? …
Author: Ben (admin)
More on Dating Methods
What Is the Best Way to Date the Earth? Evolution demands an old earth and evolutionists routinely speak of billions of years as proof of modern dating methods. The truth is, no reliable dating method can account for billions of years for the existence of the earth and the universe. Many of these methods are …
The Origin of Morality
In the light of evolution, why do people have a moral code, a right or wrong? Animals have a code of conduct but it is always based on survival. People, on the other hand, have moral codes beyond mere survival. Why Do We Cheat? Dan Ariely, professor of behavioral economics at Duke University and MIT, …
Bones of Contention
When I was in elementary school, our weekly reader contained a story and picture (this very picture) of a new find proving evolution. It was called Zinjanthropus, found in Africa and supposedly a half ape, half man missing-link. When I showed it to my parents, my grandmother responded, “I don’t believe it.” “But his picture …
The Megapode or Incubator Bird
How Big Does a Megapode Get? Imagine, a bird that does not sit on its eggs! How then do they stay warm to hatch? Meet the megapode or incubator bird of Australia. The name means ‘big feet’ and they do have that! And these feet serve a very good purpose. The bird weighs 3-4 pounds …