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Symbiosis, or mutualism, is a common phenomenon in nature. Simply stated, it means that two living creatures help each other to the benefit of both. A parasite benefits to the detriment of its prey. But in mutualism, both the giver and receiver are helped. Here is an example: when ticks bore into the hide of …

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Petrified Wood

Creation Evidence

 Experience of a Lifetime Seeing the Petrified Forest of northern Arizona is quite an experience. It is not like any other forest for the trees are not standing. At your feet are millions of pieces of broken petrified wood, a veritable carpet covering the ground. But also entire trees may be seen as well, most …

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The Saguaro Cactus

Creation Evidence

Probably the most famous cactus is the Saguaro, though it is only found in the 120,000 square miles of the Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona and California. Saguaro is an Indian word, pronounced “sah-wah-ro” or “suh-wah-ro.” The scientific name is Carnegiea Gigantean, named for Andrew Carnegie. Just How Tall Can They Get? Indeed the Saguaro …

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