
Creation Evidence

Fossils are the imprint in rock of once living plants or animals. They are evolution’s greatest evidence, so they claim. Carl Dunbar in Historical Geology, stated, “Fossils provide the only historical, documentary evidence that life has evolved from simpler to more and more complex forms.”  Thus, to understand the history of life, we need the fossil remains. We don’t learn about the past from what is alive now, but from what remains of the dead. These are the fossils.
The accepted geologic timetable for the past is based on the assumption that life evolved from simple to complex. The chart maps out 650 million years of earth’s history. It assumes that if we have the fossil of a simple organism, this means it lived a long time ago, a larger animal fossil was formed more recently. Therefore, based on the complexity of the fossilized organism, we can date the rock layers in which they are imbedded. Pretty slick, if it worked.


However, the geological timetable has several problems. First, it is common knowledge that this column as stated occurs nowhere on earth. It has never been seen in this form anywhere, ever. It is the result of the compilation of data and the imagination of scientists.

Second, as stated above, the simple life forms are assumed to be in the oldest rock layers that are millions of years old. The question must be asked, how are the rock layers dated? Niles Eldredge states, “There is no way simply to look at a fossil and say how old it is unless you know the age of the rocks it comes from.” Yet Sue Ellen Hirschfeld, in an article in World Book Encyclopedia states, “Fossils help geologists figure out the ages of rock strata and the times at which animals and plants lived.” In other words, we date the rocks by the age of the fossils and the fossils by the age of the rock layers they are in. This is called circular reasoning and is bogus.

A third problem with the geologic time table is simply this: there are many places on earth where the simpler forms are found in layers much higher than larger animals. Marine animal imprints are even found on mountains. In the Paluxy River, near Glen Rose, Texas, apparent human footprints were found by and actually in the footprints of dinosaurs. Yet, according to this timetable, dinosaurs became extinct at least sixty million years before man came on the scene.  If that were true, they surely couldn’t make footprints together in the same mud.  Dinosaurs are depicted in scenes on the walls of supposed caveman dwellings.  Where did they get a dinosaur to pose for their picture if they had been dead that long?

A fourth problem is how fossils are formed at all. Often a fossil depicting the soft parts of a plant or animal show evidence of burial while in great distress. In fact, all fossils of detailed soft tissue like leaves must be buried rapidly or the dead remains would quickly decay before any fossil could form. In other words, these fossils show evidence of being buried quickly in a catastrophe. This contradicts the slow processes of uniformitarianism. Yet this precisely fits the creation model that includes a world-wide flood in the days of Noah. The tons of sediment swirling in that much water would quickly bury the dead plants and animals and account for the fossils found all over the world, including on mountains.

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